Friday, November 14, 2008

salt is bad

Sodium is the part of salt that can lead to high blood pressure if you have too much. Notonly high blood pressure but also many other diseases that can reduce your life span. While you read this article you will be taught how to reduce your salt in take and how you can add to your life span.
Another thing to bear in mind is that 75% of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, so while it is important to cut down on the salt we add ourselves, it is also very important to check the labels of food products and try to choose those that are lower in salt. Salt is essential to living a healthy life. What many do not know is that there is refined table salt and there is Sea Salt. They are completely different.The second one is good and the first which we are talking about here is not only bad but also deadly.
Regular refined table salt is an unnatural substance striped of its valuable nutrients and is about 97.5 % sodium chloride. Sea Salt that has not been unrefined is loaded with nutrients, moist and full of important minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, etc. It's a natural source of many essential minerals and many more lesser elements. Now you see why Sea Salt is much better for you than regular salt.Salt is what you can not do without it contain hydrochloric acid which helps you digest proteins.
Smoked foods are generally high in salt because the traditional smoking process includes adding salt to preserve the food. Smoked foods can sometimes contain up to 50 times more salt than the same foods that haven't been smoked. Ready meals are also high in salt.There are lots of different types of ready meal. It's true that some ready meals are high in salt, but not all of them. The important thing is to remember to look at the label. Please read this article and let it be part of you and live a healthy life.

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